Saturday, February 14, 2009

The New Wesley Study Bible

Bible translations
The descriptive link to does not do this Bible justice! The binding is a supple leather-like covering with a ribbon marker inside. While it does not have a concordance, and is not listed as a study Bible, there are study notes similar to the NIV Study Note Bible, with references to Wesley and his works. The Life-Application and Wesleyan core thought inserts are excellent.
I know some would prefer the NKJV translation, but don't let the NRSV deter you from checking this out. I usually use the NASB, and found this to be a good translation, as I use several. When a student once asked Bible teacher Manfred George Goodsky what he would suggest as the best translation of the Bible, he replied,"The one you read." So far I don't see a "liberal slant" to this Bible. It is a great combination of a study and devotional Bible combined in one. It can also be ordered through the Vineyard Christian Bookstore (Evansville) and probably most others....keith 1 Cor 13

1 comment:

dr. mark said...

Hey Keith: I like your blog! What about linking to IN South's Website? I would like to start blogging myself but it is one more thing to keep up with and at this time I don't have the time if you know what I mean. Keep up your good work. Dr. Mark