Thursday, February 26, 2009

Change We CAN Believe In

Abraham Kuijper (Maassluis, 29 October 1837 – Den Haag, 8 November 1920) generally known as Abraham Kuyper, was a Dutch politician, journalist, statesman and theologian. He founded the Anti-Revolutionary Party and was prime minister of the Netherlands between 1901 and 1905.
We as Wesleyans generally think of John Wesley or William Wilberforce as those who pioneered social change based on Biblical principles. I would like to focus on others in coming weeks who effected the same kind of change. Abraham Kuyper effected change for the better in the Netherlands and eventually became Prime Minister. Even though as Arminians we may differ on some points with Kuyper,
Most importantly has been Kuyper's view on the role of God in everyday life. He believed that God continually influenced the life of believers, and daily events could show his workings. Kuyper famously said, "Oh, no single piece of our mental world is to be hermetically sealed off from the rest, and there is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: 'Mine!'" God continually re-creates the universe through acts of grace. God's acts are necessary to ensure the continued existence of creation. Without his direct activity creation would self-destruct."

The Kuyper Foundation(see my links section) exists today as an organization that wants to bring Christian principles back to society. Kuyper was a neo-calvinist and probably had some differing views when it comes to theology. As I type today, a version of the so called "Fairness Doctrine" has passed in Washington. We of all denominations need to join together to resist these attempts to control free speech and Christian radio. Our Christian forefathers were willing to sacrifice for us, we must do the same for our children until Christ returns...keith 1 Cor 13

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