is the only Gospel writer who records the event of Jesus’
Ascension. There were some who
did not believe the ascension to be a literal and historical event. Maybe its
because they didn’t realize the importance of this event and what it signified to
the beginnings of the early church and the dawn of Christianity. These would
say that since this miracle had not happened before it wasn’t genuine. Miracles
do not need precedents to be real. Before Jesus, the blind were not healed, or
the lame given the ability to walk. Even when we look at the Old Testament, no
one had parted the Red Sea before Moses. You see, for those of us who were not
eyewitnesses, we must choose to believe. Today we would like to look at some of
the reasons why Jesus ascension was so important to we who remain until Jesus
comes again for His Church.
I once heard a Sunday School teacher say, ”Jesus went up and the Holy Spirit
came down.” That’s pretty basic isn’t it? And actually makes it really easy to
understand. For a few moments today, let us look at what the coming of the Holy
Spirit really meant.
Witnesses, not Stargazers: The two
men in white robes asked Jesus’ disciples why they were gazing up into the sky.
The Holy Spirit was given to empower Jesus followers and the early church.
Jesus told them they had been baptized with water. He told them that very soon
they would be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Denominations will differ on what
this baptism means. The most important takeaway here is that the Holy Spirit
was given that these new Christians could spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ
throughout the region and eventually the entire world. You see, they were to be
witnesses, not stargazers.
On June 11, 1739, John Wesley, the founder of
Methodism signified a defining moment when he made a entry into his journal. He
wrote that famous statement, he viewed the entire world as his parish. John
wanted us to remember that God doesn’t just show up within the four walls of
the church. God wants us to take the Gospel everywhere. When you drive
throughout the countryside you will notice Methodist churches even in the most
remote places. When I watch the movie with John Wayne and Kathryn Hepburn, I
notice she is playing a female preacher. I told Vicky that even though this was
fiction, since she was in a remote place, and a female, she would most likely
be a Methodist. Early circuit riders traveled by horseback in all kinds of
weather, usually in pairs. The seasoned pastor would train the younger, who
would sometimes be his replacement. That why we see churches all over the
The disciples and the apostle Paul spread the
Gospel throughout their known
area. They were persecuted, killed, and often
tortured for the Gospel’s. Foxes Book of Martyrs records the brutal treatment
Jesus followers were given throughout the centuries. But something amazing
happened. Today we would call this a God Thing. Just when the rulers of the day
thought they had killed the last follower. Just when they though that now we
have put a stop to these Jesus people. Guess what? They would rise up with a
new group somewhere else and start all over again, even stronger and bolder
than before. They could never have had this boldness on their own. That’s the
boldness God gave them through the Holy Spirit. That’s the boldness to witness
that we need in this day and age. Jesus may longer be with us physically, but
the Holy Spirit was sent to guide us and give us strength when we need
encouragement from above.